Educational Programs in Home Living
is a company united in the purpose of making a positive difference in the lives of clients and staff.

About Educational Programs in Home Living
Educational Programs In Home Living is a private nonprofit organization first incorporated in 1981. The agency began providing services for its first 2 clients in April of that year and over the years has provided support to clients with various levels of support needs. Our agency is committed to both clients and staff and believe that forming lasting and caring relationships with everyone involved is the key to providing quality services.
Educational Programs in Home Living is under contract with the Developmental Disabilities Administration. The contract allows for the operation of the community residential support program which provides services to adults who are clients of the Developmental Disabilities Administration.
Adult Supported Living
Educational Programs offers a range of supported living services that can vary from a few hours a month up to 24 hours a day. Supported Living is a habilitative service that provides teaching and/or supporting developmentally disabled adults the skills necessary for them to either become more independent or to maintain their current level of independence in their own homes and in the community.
The goal of Educational Programs in Home Living is to provide an opportunity for adults with a developmental disability to live in an environment that will offer the needed support and training to become as self-dependent as possible. Growth and development are our major emphasis.
In addition to training and support services for clients, the program will advocate for clients to make certain their human and civil rights are respected by all others. It is also necessary to educate the community concerning the rights of individuals with disabilities.
Join our Team
Join our team and be the one that makes a difference!
Getting Services
If you are interested in receiving supported living services, please contact your DDA Case Manager. All referrals go through the case manager. Educational Programs is not able to accept referrals that do not come from the regional DDA Resource Management team.
You can find information on how to become a DDA client here:
Educational Programs in Home Living is dedicated to facilitating total integration of individuals with disabilities into their communities and making certain that normalization becomes a reality and not merely a philosophy.
Contact Us
- 15 Oregon Ave Suite L8 Tacoma Washington 98409
- 253-473-1401

Educational Programs In Home Living is an Equal Opportunity Employer.